Brevets de marche bois de Vincennes 2020 : Initiations à la marche athlétique bois de Vincennes 2020 . Sport, santé, bien-être by Ronald Tintin 2020 - Ecrivain et Marathonien Ronald Tintin / The Writer Marathon Runner Ronald Tintin, The Founder of Ronning Against Cancer

Brevets de marche bois de Vincennes 2020 : Initiations à la marche athlétique bois de Vincennes 2020 . Sport, santé, bien-être by Ronald Tintin 2020 - Ecrivain et Marathonien Ronald Tintin / The Writer Marathon Runner Ronald Tintin, The Founder of Ronning Against Cancer

and Ronning Against Cancer’s first challenge in  New Year 2020 for “The New Adventures of
Ronald Tintin and The Diary of Sublima” is to walk all “Brevets de Marche Bois
de Vincennes 2020”step by step :

Episode  1  (10 km): Sunday 5th January 2020

Episode  2  (200 km): * Sunday 12th January 2020

Episode  3  (30 km): * Sunday 19th January

Episode  4  (40 km): * Sunday 2nd
February 2020

Health, Improve the beauty and suppleness of the body,Motivation,Fitness,
Model, Fashion, Nutrtion,Weight loss, Sports, Yoga, Dance, Musculation,
Charity, SuperProfesseur’s workout today, Ronald Tintin 2020 will be back to
run and walk with his new great white cap by feeling The Force of inspiration ...

#walking #racewalking #travel #fitness #model #fashion #mannequin #entertainment
#art #lifestyle #weightloss
#charity #ronaldtintin #inspiration #model #mannequin
#fashion #womeninsport #womeninspiration #LesAventuresDeRonaldTintin
#WhyIrun #workout #athletisme #running #competition #health #Fundraising
#cancer #dogood #science #socent
#sports #happy2020 #education #edtech #luttecontrelecancer #superprofesseur
#LeJournalIntimeDeSublima #marathon #crowdfunding #sportsmarketing #socialmedia
#Marketing #Marathon #24Heures 
#breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #marcheathletique
#thediaryofsublima #theadventuresofronaldtintin #happynewyear2020
#merrychristmas #newyear2020


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